After the grape harvest, it’s time for the olives


After a very busy and fruit-yield September, and the first days of October, which primarily represent the grape harvest, as well as enjoying the benefits of invested effort and time, the next weeks of the Poletti family are reserved for another traditional harvest. It’s time for picking olives.In Istria, the tradition of picking olives has been nurtured since ancient times, when the first drops of olive oil seduced the extremely delicate palate of each of the tasters. The tradition is, of course, still respected today, and with the change of seasons, it’s time for harvesting olives, which are planted in the positions of “brajde” and “stare brajde.” The Poletti family cultivates about two hundred trees of several different sorts. The sorts are called Bilica, Buža, Leccino, and Pendolino. Thanks to the unique specifics of each variety, whose best characteristics are preserved during the special processing of olives, the extra virgin olive oil of the Poletti family hides perfect nuances and aromas that are singing in the harmony with gastronomic delicacies.Extra virgin olive oil has a truly recognizable and beautiful aroma as well as taste, and it is considered one of the most prized oils. The olive oil is obtained directly from the fruits of olives and represents their best beauties. Right now are the ideal conditions to start picking olives, which will ultimately, and very soon, be a valued product of the rich tradition of the Poletti family. Of course, you can buy Poletti extra virgin olive oil and take home this unique Istrian treasure of ancient times, along with top-quality wines.